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About me:

I am a Professor of Economics at Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance since August 2023. I am also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) since December 2020. I got my PhD from the Toulouse School of Economics in October 2009. My publications and research papers are here and my full CV is here.


I am on sabbatical leave in the 2023/2024 academic year. I am visiting CREI January - March and UCL April - June 2024.

Research interests:

Risk sharing, Consumption, Optimal taxation, Dynamic contracts

Fields: Macroeconomics, Public Finance

Contact details:

School of Economics and Finance
Mile End Road
London, E1 4NS
United Kingdom

Email: s.laczo[at]



Sarolta Laczó
(Sharolta Latso)





Efficient Risk Sharing and Separation (May 2024) with Árpád Ábrahám, accepted for publication at 

Journal of Economic Theory

(Online Appendix)


Pareto-Improving Optimal Capital and Labor Taxes (2023) with Katharina Greulich and Albert Marcet 

Journal of Political Economy 131(7), pp. 1904-1946.

(Online Appendix)


Time-Consistent Consumption Taxation (2020) with Raffaele Rossi
Journal of Monetary Economics 114, pp. 194-220.


Efficient Risk Sharing with Limited Commitment and Storage (2018) with Árpád Ábrahám
Review of Economic Studies 85(3), pp. 1389-1424.


Matching to Share Risk without Commitment (2018) with Johannes Gierlinger
Economic Journal 118, pp. 2003-2031.


Risk Sharing with Limited Commitment and Preference Heterogeneity: Structural Estimation and Testing (2015)
Journal of the European Economic Association 13(2), pp. 265-292.

(Online Appendix)


Does Risk Sharing Increase with Risk Aversion and Risk when Commitment is Limited? (2014)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 46, pp. 237-251.


Research papers


Consensus Time-Consistency (April 2024) with Albert Marcet


Last updated: 12 May 2024



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